Enoch Disappears!

Enoch Disappears!

What does having a personal relationship with the Lord look like?

Intro Activity: “The Disappearing Act”

Materials Needed: a drinking glass, construction paper, bond paper, glue, pencil, scissor, picture of a person

Watch this video on how to perform the disappearing act: (Use the face of a person instead of an octopus)

Lesson: Do you think a person could ever disappear like that?

Let’s watch this short story in the Bible.

Read Genesis 5:21-24 (quoted here in the NIV)

“When Enoch had lived 65 years, he became the father of Methuselah. And after he became the father of Methuselah, Enoch walked with God 300 years and had other sons and daughters. Altogether, Enoch lived 365 years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.”

Read Hebrews 11:5 (NIV)

“By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death; he could not be found, because God had taken him away. For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.”

What happened to Enoch? (God took him away. He disappeared. People were looking for him but God took him away and made him disappear.)

Where do you think God took Enoch? (To Heaven.)

Why do you think God took Enoch?
What was so special about Enoch that he got to go to Heaven?

The Bible verses we read said that Enoch was a man who walked with God, and had faith, and pleased God. That means Enoch was friends with God and did all the right things that God wanted him to. That made God happy and God took Enoch to Heaven.

Do you think we can be God’s friends and do what God wants us to do?
What are some things we can do to be God’s friends and learn what He wants us to do? (Read the Bible, go to church, pray, etc.)

Why do you think it’s important to read our Bibles if we want to be God’s friend?
When we read our Bible, we’re reading God’s words to us. He told the people what to write so that we can learn what God wants to say to us. And if we want to be God’s friend, we have to know and listen to what He says.

Why is it important to pray to God if we want to be God’s friend?
When we read our Bible, we’re listening to what God said to us, but when we pray, God listens to what we say to Him. God cares about us and He wants us to tell Him about what’s happening in our lives. God is our friend. And sometimes, God will help us with a problem that we tell Him about. Other times He just wants us to talk to Him.

Why is it important to go to church if we want to be God’s friend?
When we go to church, God teaches through other people. We also get to help other people be better friends with God by praying for them and encouraging them.

If we do those things and if we really are God’s friend like Enoch was, then God will take us to Heaven one day and we will live with Him forever and ever.

Memory Verse:

“Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away”

(Genesis 5:24, NIV)

Activity After The Lesson

Walking With God

You Need:
1. pencils/ markers
2. paper
3. scissors

Have the children trace around their foot, then cut out the footprint.

At the top of the footprint have them write: I Walk With God.

Underneath write:
1. I pray.
2. I study my Bible.
3. I listen for God’s voice.
4. I obey Him.

Ask: What do these four steps tell us about walking with God?
Enoch followed these steps all his life. That is why he and God were such good friends.


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