Dear Parents, Guardians, Teachers:
In this lesson, we will be introduced to the only woman who served as a judge in the Book of Judges – Deborah. Deborah provides a picture of leadership that wasn’t normally seen in the society of her time.
The children will discover from this lesson that when we live lives that please God, others will see His glory. Just as Deborah trusted God’s words to her, we, too, can trust the words God speaks to us. Deborah took the time to hear God’s voice and obey. Trusting that God’s words to her were true came easy because she was used to listening to God and obeying Him.
This week, spend time quietly listening for God’s voice. Often God is willing to speak, but the busyness and noisiness of life drowns Him out. Sit quietly. Wait on the Lord. Ask God to help you to listen to His voice and respond in obedience.
Scripture Reference: Judges 4-5
Memory Verse:
“Teach me to do your will , for you are my God.”
Psalm 143:10
Bible Lesson:
The people of God had a land of their very own. It was called the land of Canaan. God’s people were called Israelites. Sometimes enemies would try to hurt God’s people but God promised to take care of them. The Lord promised to take care of His people as long as they obeyed Him. If they did not obey Him then the Lord would allow Israel’s enemies to hurt them and win their land.
Sometimes it seemed like the Israelites never learned a lesson. The same thing happened again and again. First, the Israelites would begin to leave God and disobey Him. Then, the Lord would let enemies win battles against them and treat them badly. When the people were suffering, they were sorry they had disobeyed God. They would pray to God to help them. Finally, the Lord would send someone to help the people and save them from their enemies. This person was called a JUDGE.
One famous Judge was a woman. Her name was Deborah. Deborah was so wise that everyone wanted to listen to what she said. She used to sit under a palm tree and let people come and ask her advice. The Lord knew that Deborah was a good woman. Deborah spoke the words that the Lord wanted her to. Sometimes she would help people by telling them what the Lord wanted them to do.
It was good that Deborah talked to the people because they were very unhappy. Many people had stopped following God. Israel’s enemies were very mean. One enemy, Jabin, had a big army that used to hurt the Israelites. The people were sorry that they were not obeying the Lord. They wanted Him to help them. Deborah asked the leader of Israel’s army to come to her. His name was Barak. She told him that the Lord wanted him to go into battle and fight Jabin’s army. Deborah told Barak that the Lord would help him and that he would win the battle.
Barak did not want to go alone. He knew that the enemy had a very strong general in charge of their army. The general’s name was Sisera. Barak told Deborah that he would not go to battle unless she went with him. Usually women did not go to battle but Deborah said she would help Barak. Deborah told Barak that because he needed a woman to help him then a woman would defeat Sisera.
Barak gathered an army of 10,000 men. Sisera had a huge army and 900 iron chariots. When Deborah told Barak to begin the fight, the army rushed down into a valley to fight against Sisera’s army and all of the strong chariots. Then an amazing thing happened. Clouds gathered and rain started to fall. So much rain fell that the valley flooded. All of the iron chariots got stuck in the mud! Sisera’s army began to run away.
Sisera started running too. He ran and ran until he came to the tent of a woman named Jael. Jail invited the general of the enemy into her tent. Jael was tricking Sisera. When morning came, Barak came searching for Sisera so that he could capture him. Sisera was dead. It was just like Deborah had said: a woman defeated Sisera!
Review Questions:
1. What was the name of the woman Judge? Deborah
2. Who was the general of God’s army? Barak
3. Why did Deborah go with Barak into the battle? He wouldn’t go without her.
4. How did the Israelites win against an army with 900 iron chariots? The valley flooded and the chariots got stuck in the mud.
5. Where did Sisera, the general of the enemy’s army hide? In the tent of a woman named Jael.
6. Who killed Sisera? A woman named Jael
Learning Activities After the Lesson
1. Have your kids watch the animated story: Deborah and Barak
2. Have your kids do this: Palm Tree of Deborah Craft Project

Sources: Mission Bible Class, Concordia Lutheran Church, Gideon Films