Drifting Away

Drifting Away

Lesson For This Week

Message: Stay connected to the Rock
Scripture: Psalm 94:22b

Have you ever been fishing? Did you fish standing from the shore or did you fish from a boat? Well, today I’d like to tell you about the time that Dennis went fishing.

Dennis loved to go fishing, and his favorite place to fish was in the river near his home. There was a place in the river where it got very wide and the water moved very slowly. Dennis would take his little boat down to that spot and put it into the water. He’d load all his fishing gear into the boat, and then he’d row out onto the river. Now there was a rock in the river not far from the shore, and Dennis would take a rope and tie his boat to that rock to keep his boat from drifting away. Then he’d put a worm on his hook, cast out into the river and wait for the fish to bite.

Well on this particular day the fish didn’t seem to be biting. A couple of hours went by without even a nibble. Dennis got bored and fell asleep. While he was asleep, the rope somehow got untied from the boat, so the boat started drifting downstream. It drifted slowly at first, but the further downstream it went, the faster it went. Faster and faster!

Just as the boat was approaching the rapids – where there were lots of big rocks in the river – Dennis woke up. Right then the boat hit a big rock and turned completely upside down. Dennis hung onto the inside of the boat and rode it downstream until it finally got caught on a sandbar.

As you can imagine, Dennis learned a valuable lesson that day. He learned to always make sure his boat was tied tightly to that rock. He didn’t ever want to drift away again.

We Christians can learn something from that, too. The Bible tells us that we have a rock that we need to stay connected to. Psalm 94 says, “My God [is] the rock in whom I take refuge.” We need to stay connected to the Lord, or else we may drift away – just like Dennis did. And Paul tells us exactly how to stay connected to the Lord. He says, ‘Pray continuously.” We need to pray every day to keep connected to our Rock, the Lord.

In fact, let’s pray now: Father God, we don’t ever want to drift away from You. So please help us to remember to pray every day so that we can stay connected to You, our Rock and our salvation. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

From www.ChildrensSermonsOnline.net
© Copyright 2011 by Steven Rudolph. All rights reserved.

Activities To Do After The Lesson

1. Making A Paper Boat

a. Prepare one (1) Bond Paper for each child.

b. Have them watch and follow the instructions on how to make a paper boat in this video. Or, you can teach them yourself.

2. After making the paper boat. Let them write their names in their paper boat.

3. Get a big basin and fill it with water.

4. Place the boats in the basin filled with water.

5. Let the kids blow their boats from the starting line going to the end. The first to reach the end is the winner (you can reward the winner).


1. Notice that the stronger the wind blows, the faster the boat drifts away.

2. In order for the boat not to drift away even if the wind blows hard is to have the boat tied in the basin (Try tying the boat in the basin or just hold the boat. Have the kids blow it hard). What did you notice? The boat did not drift away.

3. What does the Bible tell us in Psalm 96:4, “My God [is] the rock in whom I take refuge.” We need to stay connected to the Lord, or else we may drift away. And Paul tells us exactly how to stay connected to the Lord. He says, “Pray continuously.” We need to pray every day to keep connected to our Rock, the Lord.


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