Bible Story: God Saves Noah from the Flood
Scripture: Genesis 6:5-22
The story of God’s rescue of Noah is used elsewhere in the Bible as an illustration of how Christ saves his followers from God’s final judgment. This can be an opportunity to remind children of the great salvation promised in the Gospel.
Welcome Activity:
Let your kids watch and sing along with the video: Arky, Arky Song
Memory Verse:
“By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not seen, prepared an ark for the saving of his household.”
Hebrews 11:7
Bible Lesson Introduction
Have you ever done something wrong? (allow for responses)
Of course you have! We all have.
Have you ever done something right? (allow for responses)
Do you follow God and what He wants you to do?
Can you imagine if you and your family were the only ones on earth who followed God. That is exactly how Noah and his family felt.
Bible Lesson
Have the children open their Bibles to Genesis 6:5-22. To help them find it, use the following questions. Answers are in italics.
* What part of the Bible is Genesis in? The Old Testament
* What book of the Old Testament is Genesis? #1
Read Genesis 6:5-22 (NIRV) aloud to the children.
The Lord saw how bad the sins of man had become on the earth. All of the thoughts in his heart were always directed only toward what was evil. The Lord was very sad that he had made man on the earth. His heart was filled with pain. So the Lord said, “I created man on the earth. But I will wipe them out. I will destroy people and animals alike. I will also destroy the creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air. I am very sad that I have made man.” But the Lord was pleased with Noah.
Genesis 6:5-22 (NIRV)
Here is the story of Noah. Noah was a godly man. He was without blame among the people of his time. He walked with God. Noah had three sons. Their names were Shem, Ham and Japheth.
The earth was very sinful in God’s eyes. It was full of mean and harmful acts. God saw how sinful the earth had become. All of the people on earth were leading very sinful lives.
So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people. They have filled the earth with their harmful acts. You can be sure that I am going to destroy both them and the earth.
“So make yourself an ark out of cypress wood. Make rooms in it. Cover it with tar inside and out. Here is how I want you to build it. The ark has to be 450 feet long. It has to be 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Make a roof for it. Leave the sides of the ark open a foot and a half from the top. Put a door in one side of the ark. Make lower, middle and upper decks.
“I am going to bring a flood on the earth. It will destroy all life under the sky. It will destroy every living creature that breathes. Everything on earth will die. “But I will make my covenant with you. You will enter the ark. Your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives will enter it with you.
“Bring two of every living thing into the ark. Bring male and female of them into it. They will be kept alive with you. Two of every kind of bird will come to you. Two of every kind of animal will come to you. And two of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you. All of them will be kept alive with you. “Take every kind of food that you will need. Store it away. It will be food for you and for them.”
Noah did everything exactly as God commanded him.
Discuss Bible Lesson
The Lord saw how bad the sins of man had become on the earth. All of the thoughts in his heart were always directed only toward what was evil.
The world had become evil.
The Lord was very sad that he had made man on the earth. His heart was filled with pain. So the Lord said, “I created man on the earth. But I will wipe them out. I will destroy people and animals alike. I will also destroy the creatures that move along the ground and the birds of the air. I am very sad that I have made man.”
God has feelings. It saddens Him when we don’t follow Him.
But the Lord was pleased with Noah.
God was pleased with one man on the earth. One man! Only one man and his family followed God.
Here is the story of Noah. Noah was a godly man. He was without blame among the people of his time. He walked with God. Noah had three sons. Their names were Shem, Ham and Japheth.
The earth was very sinful in God’s eyes. It was full of mean and harmful acts. God saw how sinful the earth had become. All of the people on earth were leading very sinful lives.
So God said to Noah, “I am going to put an end to all people. They have filled the earth with their harmful acts. You can be sure that I am going to destroy both them and the earth.
God was so upset with how the people of the world were, He decided to wipe them off the planet. How would you have liked to have been Noah at that time? God has just told him that the whole world was going to be wiped out! He hasn’t said anything yet about saving Noah.
“So make yourself an ark out of cypress wood. Make rooms in it. Cover it with tar inside and out. Here is how I want you to build it. The ark has to be 450 feet long. It has to be 75 feet wide and 45 feet high. Make a roof for it. Leave the sides of the ark open a foot and a half from the top. Put a door in one side of the ark. Make lower, middle and upper decks.
“I am going to bring a flood on the earth. It will destroy all life under the sky. It will destroy every living creature that breathes. Everything on earth will die. “But I will make my covenant with you. You will enter the ark. Your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives will enter it with you.
* God wanted to save Noah. So God gave Noah specific directions on how he could be saved. He had to build the ark. He had to follow God’s directions – every little step – in order to be saved.
* God fills Noah in on how He’s going to destroy the earth. He’s going to send a flood.
“Bring two of every living thing into the ark. Bring male and female of them into it. They will be kept alive with you. Two of every kind of bird will come to you. Two of every kind of animal will come to you. And two of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you. All of them will be kept alive with you. “Take every kind of food that you will need. Store it away. It will be food for you and for them.”
Noah did everything exactly as God commanded him.
Noah did everything EXACTLY the way God told him. When was the last time you did EXACTLY what you were supposed to do? (ministry-to-children)
Bible Lesson Activities:
1. You can have your kids watch the animated Bible Story of Noah.
2. Have the kids do these activities: