Dear Parents, Guardians, Teachers:
Our lesson for today displays Jesus power over nature. The account of Jesus calming the storm provides a starting place for many people who need assurance of God’s control over forces that seem out of their own control. The disciples in the sinking boat faced overwhelming fears. But when Jesus so quickly calmed the storm, their fears were quickly replaced with awe and worship.
Many of us—especially children—carry the burden of fear, perhaps not realizing that we can run to Jesus for safety. As we present our fears to our heavenly Father in prayer, we, too, can be assured of the comfort that comes from trusting the one who loves us and who has the power to protect us in all circumstances. Let us thank and praise Jesus, who has the power to calm our fears!
Scripture Reference: (Matt. 8:23-27; Mark 4:36-41)
Memory Verse:
“Even the winds and the waves obey Him.“
Matthew 8:27
Bible Lesson:
The people loved to hear Jesus speak. Sometimes huge crowds gathered to hear him. Once he was preaching by the Sea of Galilee and so many people crowded around that he got in the boat and preached to the people who were standing on the shore.
At the end of the day Jesus and his disciples said goodbye to the people and then sailed the boat out into the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was so tired that he got a cushion for a bed and then fell asleep.
Some of the other men on the boat were fishermen. They knew all about sailing on a boat. They were happy that the water was nice and calm and peaceful. They could relax. But soon things began to change. The wind began to blow and the waves pushed the boat around. Soon it all turned into a very bad storm. The waves became so big that they were filling the boat with water.
During all of the excitement there was only one person on the boat who was not worried. Guess who that was? Jesus! He was not worried because he was fast asleep.
The storm became so violent that the men began to think that the boat would sink. They thought they might all drown. They woke Jesus up and told him that they were going to drown.
Jesus saw the storm but he was not afraid at all. He looked at the waves and the water and said, “Quiet, be still!” And guess what? The storm stopped. The water became calm and the wind stopped blowing.
Jesus looked at the disciples and said, “Why are you so afraid? Where is your faith?”
The disciples were amazed. They knew that Jesus was very special. Jesus was the only one who could make even a storm obey him.
Storms are very strong but Jesus can even make storms stop. Jesus is the Son of God.
Review Questions:
1. While Jesus was sleeping in a boat, what was happening all around him? There was a storm.
2. What did Jesus do to the storm when he woke up? Be Quiet! Be Still!
3. What happened to the storm when Jesus told it to stop? It stopped.
Learning Activities After the Lesson
1. Have your kids watch the animated story: Jesus Calms The Storm
2. Jesus calms the storm craft. Shake it up and see the boat in the storm. ( Blue coloured water + oil + little boat cut from plastic plate + tightly screwed lid )

Here is what you need:
* A jar (I used an old sesame seed jar)
* A toothpick
* Oil (baby oil is best, because it is clear, but I used vegetable oil and it worked fine too)
* Food coloring
* Paper and cardboard
* Packing tape
* Super glue
1. Wash the jar and remove sticky stuff from outside.

2. Fold a piece of cardboard in half and cut a little boat shape out of it. Use your scissors to cut a little hole in the bottom of the boat.
3. Cover the front and back of a small piece of paper with packing tape and cut a small sail shape out of it. Use your scissors to cut two small holes along the flat vertical edge of the sail.

4. Poke the toothpick through the hole in the boat and holes in the sail. Trim toothpick with scissors. Now you have your little boat.
5. Fill the jar part way up with water.
6. Drop some blue food coloring into the water. Drop your little boat in the water. It should float upright. Fill the rest of the jar with oil. Make sure you fill all the way to the top so that there are no air bubbles.
7. Apply super glue to the rim of the jar or to the lid. Screw lid on tightly.
Sources: Mission Bible Class, Sunday School Zone, Having Fun At Home