Dear Parents, Guardians, Teachers:
Our lesson will help reinforce that Jesus knows what we need the most. The paralyzed man desperately wanted to be able to walk but Jesus first forgave him for his sins and then he healed him. God can see things that others can’t see, like how we are doing on the inside. God would rather help us fix problem with our sin (or things that we do wrong that prevents us from being closer to Him) then answer prayers that we think we need. God knows best!
Scripture Reference: Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:18-26
Memory Verse:
“With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.”
Matthew 19:26
Bible Lesson:
When Jesus came to a house in the city of Capernaum many people wanted to come and listen to him. So many people came to the house to hear him preach that the house was so packed with people that there was not even room to stand inside. Some people even had to stand outside and listen through the doors and windows.
One man that wanted to come and hear Jesus was very disappointed. This man was paralyzed and could not walk. Four of his friends had to carry him on a mat. The man and his friends could not get inside the house where Jesus was preaching.
But the four men did not give up. They were determined to get their friend inside that house to listen to Jesus. What could they do?
Houses in those days had flat roofs that were made of clay and straw. They usually had stairs on the outside so people could climb on the roof to get some fresh air. The men had an idea. Maybe they could somehow get inside the house through the roof.
So the men climbed on to the top of the roof carrying the paralyzed man. Then they started pulling off the clay and straw to make an opening.
The men kept pulling off clay and straw and soon the hole became as big as a man. Now it was time for their plan!
The people inside must have been very curious to see a hole appear in the ceiling. They could probably see blue sky from inside the dark house. Soon something started appearing through the hole – it was a mat with a man on it! The man’s friends had lowered him down through the hole so that he ended up right in front of Jesus!
Jesus was impressed by all the trouble these men had gone to to get him inside the house. He knew they must really want to hear the words he was saying. When Jesus saw their great faith he said to the paralyzed man, “Young man, your sins are forgiven.”
The man must have been happy to hear Jesus say that his sins were forgiven. But even though this man was happy there were some people who were not happy at all. The teachers of the law were always watching Jesus and checking to see if he made mistakes.
They did not speak out loud but they thought to themselves, “Why does this man say things like that? He is saying things that are against God. Only God can forgive sins.”
These teachers of the law only thought these things. People cannot hear thoughts that we have. People can only hear words that we say out loud with our voice. Only God can know what we are thinking before we speak the words.
But Jesus is different from other people. What a shock to these men when he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to tell this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to tell him, ‘Stand up. Take your mat and walk’? Watch me now. I will prove to you that I have the authority on earth to forgive sins.”
So Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “I tell you, stand up. Take your mat and go home.”
Immediately the paralyzed man stood up. He took his mat and walked out while everyone was watching him.
The man was happy. First his sins had been forgiven and now, he could walk! All of the people were amazed and praised God. They had seen a miracle take place. Jesus must have the power of God! Everyone was saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”
And what about the man’s friends? If they had not had faith they would have given up. They might have left without finding a way to bring their friend to Jesus.
And how about you? Will you be the kind of person that will bring your friends to hear about Jesus?
Review Questions:
1. Why did the man’s friends carry him to meet Jesus? The man could not walk and they wanted him to be healed.
2. Why couldn’t they get close to Jesus? There were too many people crowded into the house.
3. How did the man’s friends get him close to Jesus? They climbed on the roof and made a hole in it. Then they lowered their friend down into the house through the roof.
4. What two things did Jesus do for the man? 1) forgave his sins 2) healed him so that he could walk
Learning Activities After the Lesson
1. Have your kids watch the animated story: Jesus Heals The Paralyzed Man
2. Let your kids do this craft: Woven Mexican Place Mats

This craft offers children an opportunity to learn the basic of weaving — it’s a great project for themes other than Mexico as well (just use the colours that go with the season or theme you are doing).
You can make a larger version to use as a Mexican blanket or Poncho.
- scissors,
- glue,
- ruler
- pencil,
- one 18″ x 12″ piece of construction paper.
- this larger piece will become the background color for the placemat
- 16 strips of construction paper in a single color or multiple colors
- these strips should be 1 inch wide by 12 inches long
- Take the large piece of construction paper and fold it in half across the width.
- Use your ruler to mark inch wide spaces all along the folded edge.
- Do the same along the open edge but the marks should be 1 inch from the edge of the paper.
- Draw a line connecting the marks.
- With the paper still folded and starting at the fold cut along the lines being careful to stop one inch from the open edge.
- Unfold the paper to reveal the loom that you have created.
- Weave the one inch strips through the loom. If you are using multiple colors be sure to alternate them for the most colorful effect.
- Glue the ends of the strips to the edges of the loom to hold them in place.
Sources: Mission Bible Class, DLTK Crafts for Kids, Max 7