Dear Parents, Guardians, Teachers:
Our lesson for the coming weeks will be about Paul which is in the Book of Acts. We will start this week with how Paul became a Christian and how Jesus transforms his life – from Saul to Paul.
This lesson on Saul’s conversion teaches students that God completely transforms a person’s life when they believe in Jesus. God chose Saul to be His instrument to share the Good News with the Gentiles. Students will learn that God has a purpose and plan for each person that places his/her faith in Jesus. Nothing is impossible with God. He can transform even the vilest man. So, let us not lose hope and continue to share the Good News and trust in the transforming power of Jesus Christ.
Scripture Reference: Acts 9:1-31
Memory Verse:
“But the Lord said to Ananias, “Go! This man is My chosen instrument to carry My Name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel.”
Acts 9:15
Introduction To The Story:
“What would you do if you heard that there was someone in our town who was trying to hurt all Christians? We might have to meet in secret places. If you heard that that person was close by what would you do? You might have to use secret codes to tell other Christians where to meet. Has anyone ever seen a fish symbol like this? (Draw it on the board) Christians used to use that secret symbol to represent Jesus. That way mean people didn’t know what they were talking about. In the book of Acts we read about many people who became Christians. There were also some people who got very angry that anyone would follow Jesus. One man, Saul, got so angry that he even killed Christians.”
Bible Lesson:
Saul was born in the city of Tarsus but he grew up in Jerusalem. Saul was very intelligent and he had studied under a famous teacher named Gamaliel.
Saul’s other name was “Paul”.
Even though Saul believed in God he did not follow Jesus. He was an enemy to people who followed Jesus.
Saul wanted to destroy the church. He even dragged men and women out of their houses and put them in prison for believing in Jesus. Christians were very afraid of Saul.
Once, Saul asked the High Priest in Jerusalem for letters so he could take them to the leaders in the city of Damascus. The leaders would help him arrest Christians there.
But when Saul was walking along the road to Damascus something totally unexpected happened. A bright light shown down on Saul and made him blind.
Then Saul heard a voice say, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?”
Saul heard the voice but could not see. “Who are you?” he asked.
Then he heard the answer, “I am Jesus, and you have been persecuting me. Now get up and go into the city.”
Saul was shocked. This was Jesus! He had been hurting (persecuting) people that believed in Jesus. Now Saul knew the truth. He had been very wrong all of this time.
The other men traveling with Saul saw the light but could not hear the voice. Since Saul was blind they led him to the city of Damascus.
Ananias was a Christian man who lived in the city of Damascus.
Jesus came to Ananias in a vision and said that Ananias should go and meet Saul. He would be waiting in a house on the street called “Straight Street”.
Ananias was very frightened. “But Saul has been persecuting Christians.” Ananias must have wondered what Saul might do to him.
But, in the vision, Jesus told Ananias that he had chosen Saul to do a very important job. Jesus had chosen Saul to be the teacher to the Gentiles (all of the people who were not Jews).
So Ananias went to Straight Street and found Saul. He touched Saul and said, “Brother Saul, Jesus, the one who appeared to you on the road, has sent me so you can see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.”
As soon as Ananias said this something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes and he could see again. Then he got up and was baptised.
Now that Saul knew the truth about Jesus he wanted to tell everyone. He preached to the people in Damascus and even travelled to Arabia to tell the people there.
But not everyone was happy Saul was preaching about Jesus. They began guarding the city gates so they could catch and kill Saul if he tried to leave the city.
But Saul’s friends had a great idea. Late one night they put Saul in a basket and lowered him over the wall. Saul escaped!
Even though Saul had changed there were still many Christians that remembered how he had once been their enemy. In Jerusalem the Christians did not trust Saul and did not want him to be with them.
But a Christian named Barnabas believed Saul had changed. He asked the Apostles and the other Christians to accept Saul.
So Saul continued to do what Jesus had told him to do. When he used to live in Jerusalem he told people NOT to follow Jesus. Now he told them that they SHOULD follow Jesus.
Soon Saul was in trouble again. The other Christians took Saul to the port of Caesarea and put him on a ship heading to Tarsus.
After this time there was a time of peace for the churches. Many more people began to follow Jesus.
When Saul met Jesus he stopped doing bad things and began to follow Jesus. What do you think Jesus wants you to do?
Review Questions:
1. What is Saul’s other name? Paul
2. Before becoming a Christian, what did Saul do? Searched out and killed Christians because they believed in Jesus.
3. What happened to Saul on the road to Damascus? Jesus came to him in a bright light and blinded him.
4. Who baptised Saul? Ananias
5. How did Saul escape from Damascus? Christians lowered him over the city walls at night in a basket
Learning Activities After the Lesson
1. Have your kids watch the animated story: Paul’s Conversion
2. Let’s make this craft.
What you need:
* Template pages
* A plastic zip bag or pouch
* Crayons
* Markers
* Scissors
What to do:
1. Use a marker to trace the template page onto a plastic zip bag or pouch. Depending on your kids’ ages, you may allow them to help and / or color the image with markers.
2. Place a piece of black paper inside the pouch. If you do not have black paper, color blank paper with a black crayon.
3. Cut out and color the light beam. Slide around inside the plastic pouch, to reveal the image and verse.
Sources: Mission Bible Class, Ministry To Children, True Way Kids, Saddleback Kids