Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Photo by from Pexels

Lesson For This Week

Henrietta Hen

Message: Appreciating our mothers
Scripture: Exodus 20:12 “Honor you father and your mother.”

Fred used to own a small farm and he had some animals on his farm. He had some pigs, a goat, a cow, two dogs and lots of stray cats. And out behind the barn he had a little chicken coop where he kept a few chickens. They’d lay eggs every day, and Fred and his family would eat them for breakfast.

One day Fred was in the barn milking the cow when he heard a terrible ruckus coming from the chicken coop. Bawk! Bawk! He looked out back and discovered that the chicken coop was on fire. So he ran to get the hose and began putting out the fire. Meanwhile, all the chickens were running out of the chicken coop.

After the fire was out, Fred counted his chickens and noticed that one was missing. Her name was Henrietta. When Fred looked in the burned-out chicken coop, there was Henrietta sitting in her usual place. The tips of her feathers were all burned, and she looked terrible.

Fred said to Henrietta, “Why didn’t you run away like all the other chickens?” That’s when he heard it: “Peep, peep. Peep, peep.” Henrietta stood up, and there underneath her was a little baby chick. Henrietta had risked her life to protect her baby.

That’s what mothers do. Mothers do everything they can for their children. They protect them, they feed them, they clothe them, and they teach them. They do a lot for us, don’t they?

The Bible says, “Honor your father and your mother.” (Ex. 20:12) There’s no way we could ever pay back our mothers for all they do, but we can honor them. We can do that by obeying them and treating them with respect. And do you know one of the best ways you can honor your Mom? Say to her, “I love you, Mom.” She’ll like that!

Let’s pray: Father in Heaven, thank you for our Moms and for all they do for us. Help us to obey them, help us to appreciate them more, and help us to love them. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

© Copyright 2010 by Steven Rudolph. All rights reserved.

Activities To Do After The Lesson

1. You can have the children watch and listen to this video. It speaks of the ways on how to honour your mother.

2. Afterwards, you can do this craft for your kids: How to Make A Mother’s Day Paper Flower (see the instructional video below).

Materials Needed:
⁃ Construction Paper or or any coloured paper or a bond paper (just color it)
⁃ Glue
⁃ Popsicle stick


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