Dear Parents, Guardians, Teachers:
In this lesson, the children will learn about a woman named Rahab. We will learn two (2) lessons. First, they will see how Rahab’s decision to help God’s people saved her life and the life of her family. She and her family were indeed saved when Jericho was destroyed. Like Rahab, our outward actions speak louder than words, demonstrate what we believe, and show what we are devoted to. Our decision will also affect those we love.
Second, we also learn that though Rahab does not fit the general description of a godly woman, God used her in His work. We will see that she later married an Israelite (Salmon). Her son was Boaz (who married Ruth) and one of her descendants was Jesus (Matthew1:5). Even someone with a sinful past can change and be an important part of the Lord’s work.
Scripture Reference: Joshua 1-2
Memory Verse:
“When I am afraid I will trust in You”.
Psalm 56:3
Bible Lesson:
Joshua was the new leader of God’s people. He knew that he must lead the Israelites into the land that God had promised them. They were tired of wandering around in the desert. They were ready to build homes and have farms. The new land was beautiful and good. It was the perfect place to live. Joshua knew that because he had been there as a spy forty years ago.
The new land was on the other side of the Jordan River. There were people living in the land but they did not believe in God. God wanted His people to have the land.
Joshua chose two men to go and explore the land. They were to sneak into the large city of Jericho and see how strong the enemy was. The men pretended to be ordinary travellers. Once inside Jericho they looked for a place to stay. The two spies found their way to the house of a woman named Rahab. She had been a bad woman in the city but she had heard about the Israelite people and she decided to let the spies stay with her.
Rahab knew that the King of Jericho would want to hurt the spies so she decided to hide them. Where could she hide them? She remembered that she had put stalks of flax on her roof. They were spread out to dry. That would be the perfect hiding place! She told the spies to go onto the roof and hide under the flax stalks. No one would see them there.
The king had been hearing all about the Israelites. He knew they might attack his city. He told everyone to watch out for strangers. He knew the Israelites might send spies.
And he was right! Someone told him that the spies were staying at Rehab’s house. The king sent soldiers to find them. When they reached Rehab’s house they banged on the front door shouting, “The king demands that you bring out the two men that are staying here. We know they are spies.”
It was a good thing that Rahab had hidden the spies. She hurried downstairs to open the door for the king’s men. She said, “Yes, two men were here but they have just left. If you hurry you should catch them.”
“They’ll have gone toward the river,” shouted a soldier and they set off in pursuit.
The Israelite spies lay very still in their hiding place. Soon Rahab returned. The two men asked her why she had risked her life to protect two foreign enemies.
“I will tell you why,” she said. “I know the Lord has promised you this land and most of my people are afraid of your people. We have heard how God divided the sea for you and brought you throughout the wilderness.
“When you attack this city promise me that you will save my life and the life of my family.”
The men agreed. “If you tell no one about our visit we will see that you and your family are not harmed.”
By then it was night and the city gates were shut, but Rehab’s house was built on the city wall. She brought a rope and fastened it to the window and the spies climbed down to the ground outside the city wall.
“Escape to the mountains,” she advised them. “Hide there for three days until the search is over.”
Before they left, the spies said, “You must tie a piece of scarlet red cord in this window so we will know your house from a distance when we march against the city. Whoever is inside the house will be saved.” The spies were glad that Rahab saved their lives. Even though Rahab had been a bad woman in the past, now she was helping God’s people! Rahab and the spies did not know it yet but, in the future, Rahab would marry an Israelite and her descendants would follow God. In fact, hundreds of years later, one of her descendants would be Jesus Christ.
When the two spies returned to Joshua they gave their report. Joshua knew that it was now time to enter the land.
Review Questions:
1. What was the name of the city where Joshua sent two spies? Jericho
2. Whose house did the spies stay in? Rahab
3. What did Rahab do when the King sent soldiers to arrest the spies? She hid them in the flax that was drying on her roof. She told the soldiers that the spies had already left.
4. How did the spies get out of Jericho? They climbed down a rope that Rahab put out of her window.
5. Why did Rahab put a red cord in her window? So that the Israelites would know where she lived when they came back to conquer Jericho. Everyone in her house would not be hurt.
6. Years later, who was one of Rehab’s descendants? Jesus
Learning Activities After the Lesson
1. Red Ribbon Hide & Seek (Game): Have the children close their eyes while you hide a red ribbon somewhere in the room. On the count of three the children open their eyes and begin searching for the red ribbon. The child that finds the ribbon will be the one to hide it during the next round of hide & seek.
2. Have your kids watch the animated story: Rahab and the Spies
3. Let your kids do this craft through this video, see link below:
Sources: Mission Bible Class, Saddleback Kids, Kids Sunday School