Dear Parents, Guardians, Teachers:
In this Sunday School Lesson, the kids will learn that a follower of God is obedient, and when we obey God, He will do great things! When the Israelites faced Jericho, it seemed impenetrable. But they had God on their side. When they obeyed God’s instructions, the walls of Jericho crumbled like a pile of building bricks.
Kids will use plenty of gray bricks to build the walls of the mighty city of Jericho. God wants to build you up into a person of faith. If you want to be all God designed you to be, it’s up to you to follow the instructions. Step by step, brick by brick, we need to obey God’s Word. God will honor your obedience. He will do the impossible. He will build something great in your life!
Scripture Reference: Joshua 5:13-6:20, The Fall of Jericho
Memory Verse:
“Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.”
Psalm 24:10 (NIV)
Bible Lesson:
The Israelites were now in the land that the Lord had promised to them. Joshua was happy that they were in the land but he knew that his job was not over. The people in the new land did not believe in God. They did not want God’s people to live there. Joshua knew he must fight the people before the Israelites could live there. The first big city was Jericho. There were tall walls around the whole city. The walls were strong and the only way to get into the city was through the city gates. The people in Jericho would never open the gates to the Israelites!
As Joshua was thinking about how he would conquer the city of Jericho, he noticed a man standing nearby. The man had a sword drawn as if he was ready to fight.
“Are you on our side or on our enemies’ side?” Joshua asked. “I am not for the enemy or for you. I am on the Lord’s side!” The man told Joshua to take off his shoes because he was on holy ground. Joshua knew that this was not just a man. This was the voice of the Lord! The Lord gave Joshua special instructions on how to win the battle of Jericho. The instructions were very unusual but Joshua listened and then he left and did exactly as the Lord commanded.
First, Joshua told all of the army to line up. Then he told the priests to pick up the ark of the covenant and carry it behind the army. Seven priests were to walk in front of the ark of the covenant with big trumpet horns. Joshua told all of the people and some more fighting men to follow last, behind the ark.
So everyone lined up. First the army, then the seven priests blowing trumpets, then the priests who carried the ark of the covenant, then the people and a guard of fighting men. All of them marched one time around the city of Jericho. The army and the people did not make any sound.
The people inside the city of Jericho must have laughed at the Israelites! They probably thought the Israelites were crazy. Why were they marching around the city? They would never win any battles that way. Even though it seemed an odd thing, Joshua and the people did exactly what the Lord commanded. They marched around the city one time, every day, for six days.
On the seventh day, the Lord commanded the Israelites to march around the city seven times, not just once. The people knew that after the seventh time, when they heard the trumpets, they were supposed to shout as loud as they could. That is exactly what they did. When the priests blew the trumpets, the people shouted at the top of their voices. Guess what happened? All of the strong walls of Jericho broke into small pieces and fell down!
The people must have been very excited. Now they could enter Jericho and win the battle! There were many rich things in Jericho. There were gold and silver and other riches. Joshua told the Israelites not to keep anything for themselves. Any riches that were found would belong to the Lord. They put it into the treasury in the tabernacle of the Lord.
Joshua remembered that the woman, Rahab, had protected the spies when they had come to Jericho. She had put a red cord in her window just as the spies had told her. When the Israelites saw the cord, they let Rahab and her family leave the city safely. They were the only people to escape Jericho alive.
Review Questions:
1. Who told Joshua how to win the battle of Jericho? The Lord—a “man with a sword” appeared to Joshua.
2. Why was Jericho so hard to fight? A strong wall surrounded the city
3. How many days did the Israelites march around Jericho? Seven
4. On the seventh day what did the Israelites do? Marched around 7 times, blew trumpet, and shouted.
5. What happened to the walls of Jericho? They broke into pieces and fell down
6. What did the Israelites do with the riches from Jericho? They put it in the treasury of the tabernacle of the Lord.
7. Who was saved in the city of Jericho? Rahab and her family
Learning Activities After the Lesson
1. Have your kids watch the animated story of below: The Fall of Jericho
2. Let your kids do this craft.
Needed for Each Child: One piece white construction paper, gray crayon, glue, and word strip which says: “God is all powerful.”
Activity: Fold the paper in half lengthwise. On the top side, the boys and girls draw the Jericho wall. The children can then decorate the word strip and glue to the bottom half of the paper. Fold so the wall is standing.