Ticket To Heaven

Ticket To Heaven

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels

Lesson For This Week

Message: Jesus is our “ticket” to the Kingdom
Scripture: John 6:40
Prop: A flashcard (described below)

(Prepare a flashcard in the shape of a giant ticket. On one side put “Admit one to the
Kingdom of Heaven”. On the other side put “Jesus”.)

Have you ever gone anywhere that you needed a ticket to get in? What are some of the places you needed a ticket for? (Solicit answers such as a movie, a ball game, a museum, the zoo, a concert, etc.)

Well, there’s one very special place that I hope to go someday, and I’m ready because I already have my ticket. Here it is right here (Show flashcard.) It says, “Admit one to the Kingdom of Heaven.”

But let me ask you: do you think this ticket will really get me into God’s Kingdom? No! There’s only one thing you need to get into God’s Kingdom: (Turn over flashcard.) Jesus! Let me read you John 6:40. Jesus says, “For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the son [that’s Jesus] and believes in him shall have eternal life.”

So Jesus is our ticket to eternal life in God’s Kingdom. You don’t need a paper ticket; you just need Jesus.

Let’s pray: Father in Heaven, we look forward to the day we can spend eternal life with You. And we thank you that we don’t need a ticket: we just need Your Son, Jesus. In His name we pray. Amen.

From www.ChildrensSermonsOnline.net
© Copyright 2010 by Steven Rudolph. All rights reserved.

Activities To Do After The Lesson

1. Watch and master the video below on how to make the, “Ticket To Heaven”.

2. Once, you’ve mastered it without the video. You may now perform it after the lesson, “Ticket To Heaven”.

3. While cutting the piece of paper, you can share this insight:

{ In our lesson, we talked about a ticket that can bring you to Heaven. In John 6:40, Jesus says, “For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the son [that’s Jesus] and believes in him shall have eternal life.”

Today, I will be giving you your ticket to Heaven. Who wants to have that ticket?

This will be your ticket to Heaven (give the paper that forms the cross but do not let them open it yet, you may prepare beforehand a paper cross if you have more than one child).

If you do not have that ticket, the Bible says that the consequence is you will spend eternity in “HELL” (as you form the word “hell”).

But, if you have the Ticket To Heaven, you can spend eternity with Jesus in Heaven. Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus suffered and sacrificed himself on the cross for our sins. He offers us the only way to heaven.

Do you have your ticket? So, what is the ticket to Heaven? How can we enter Heaven? (Let the children open the paper that forms a cross).}


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